Tuesday 12 February 2008

Coen's Last Masterpiece

It had been such a long time since watching a really nice movie. This was up to yesterday while watching Coen brothers’ new and so spoken last movie “No country for old men”. When inviting my friend for watching this movie together, he said; No, I don’t like Coens last movies, they are fall off. Even though one night before we had done some nostalgia with “Fargo” of Coens.

“No country for old men” is in fact the novel of Cormac McCarthy, but adapted, written and directed by both brothers Joel and Ethan Coen. At the movie we can see Tommy Lee Jones casting the sentimental Sheriff Ed Tom Bell, Josh Brolin as Vietnam veteran Llewelyn Moss and Javier Bardem as unstoppable assassin Anton Chigurh and the short role of Woody Harrelson as smart hired hunter.
Coen’s style is completely different in “No country for old men”, every time they build some expectations inside you and each time they break those expectations, in the way they want and have decided to break them. At the beginning they glorify Llewelyn Moss as clever hero but later on when he gets killed, his body is not even completely shown, soo unimportant issue....
Anyway I am not intending to tell the movie’s plot but I could only say that this movie flows freely like a river in you, and I am sure when you watch it once, you desire to watch it more...Yeah it is such of those 100 times watched movies.

You should see my friend today, during brunch he was talking about “No country for men” and he is still insisting of rewatching it tonight as well:)

To see "No country for old men" awards please click here: