Qe kur jam transferuar ne Ankara, Eni me ka lene detyren e çantes. Te gjithe te tjeret kane kohe qe e kane vene ne vend urdhrin e Enit, veç meje. Ndoshta disa prej jush mund ta kene harruar kete gje por Eni dhe une jo. Shfaqesimet e voneses se kesaj detyre te rendesishme mund te jene te ndryshme, por une dua te them te verteten se jam vajze e mire. E pranoj qe kam neglizuar me kete amanet(qe u kthye me vone) te Enit. Por nuk e di nese do me kuptoje njeri, ndryshimi i ajrit e çdo gje tjter kane ndikuar mjaft tek une. Ndoshta mund te jete periudha e te mesuarit me ambjentin e qytetin e ri, por une e kam koken rremuje akoma e sme behet asgje e veçante per momentin. Kjo eshte dhe arsyeja qe sme behet as foto apo ndonje zhgarravine mbi tuval. Lidhur me kete mosdeshire per gje kam nevoje per ndonje fjale e eksperience te njejte tuajen.
Nejse, po hyj ne temen e thesin.Thesi im eshte kjo e kuqja. Jam e knaqur me te se me mataron mire, ka shume xhepa, dhe e perdor ne shume raste. Sot nga thesi dolen keto gjera;
1- Lapsa e stilolapsa e papers me shumice e ngjyra te ndryshme
2-Kuleta e kartave
3-Notebook(me sherben per çdo lloj shenimi qe marr)
4- Samsung-et e mi (kamera & celi)
5-Karta e metros
6-Corrector( se ndaj asnjeher, me shpeton jeten ne raste emergjente,eshte antiburokrati im, ne gjykate apo institucion tjter, ktu pranohen korigjimet i hedh dhe nje firme poshte, e hec babe, ky korektor ka ber shum sekuestrime)
7-Gazeta e dites
8-Librat(kam dhe 40faqe nga 'Krimi dhe denimi,Dostojevski, per çlodhje kam te pandashmin I Grandi Classici Disney, me skica)
10- Blloku i telefonave( e mbaj per nostalgji, se ka shum nr e emra qe kam harruar ti shtoj)
11- Syzet( e saldatorit)
13- Lastly, My poison
Kuptohet Spongy dhe pse esh ne foto ,nuk eshte pjese e thesit tim por skisha çbeja. Vdes per çik çakerriqe, sa i pa u turr per te loz e me e hedh me naj rrreze.Embylla ne dhome, te fotografoja e qete, po skish zot ta mbante! Apo seshte dhe ne muajin mars te vetin, ka nisur te flase macja e te marr shtepine mbare duke u ferkuar.
Eno, si duket e bera detyren ee! S'ishte aq e tmerrshme sa e mendoja :)
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Me ne fund e hapa dhe une thesin tim!
Monday, 26 March 2007
Tom's Tale Song
After listening "Little Drop of Poison", no one could resist the 1920's music style of Tom Waits. In his songs he does everything except singing. He screams deliriously, whoops, rasps, sounds like ghosts, and as we see in his last album he tells tales without any musical instrument as well. The belowed one is as mentioned, called "Missing my son" from Orphans. This song is just a manic tale, no instrument, just Tom's voice telling the story, by torturing the listener for its end. While listenin Tom, I wanted to share this tale's text with you.
Missing my son
I was in a line at the supermarket the other day, and uhm... y'know, I had all my things on the little conveyor belt there. And uh... there's a gal in front of me that is uh.. well, she's staring at me and I'm getting a little nervous and uh, she continues to stare at me. And I uh, I keep looking the other way. And then, finally she comes over closer to me and she says: "I apologise for staring, that must have been annoying. I, I... You look so much like my son, who died. I just can't take my eyes off you." And she precedes to go into her purse and she pulls out a photograph of her son who'd died. And uh, he looks absolutely nothing like me. In fact he's... Chinese. Uh... anyway, we chatted a little bit. And uh, she says: "I'm sorry, I have to ask you. Would you mind, as I leave the supermarket here, would you mind saying "Goodbye mom" to me? I, I know it's a strange request but I haven't heard my son saying "Goodbye mom" to me, and "So long" and it would mean so much to me to hear it. And uh, if you don't mind I... " And I said: "Well, you know, okay, yeah, sure. Eh.. uh... I can say that." And, and so, she uh gets her groceries all checked out. And uh, as she's going out the door she waves at me and she hollers across the store: "Goodbye son!" And I look up and I wave and I say: "Goodbye mom!" And then she goes, and uh... So I get my few things there, on the conveyor belt and the checker checks out my things. And uh, and he gives me the total and he says: "That'll be four hundred and seventy nine dollars." Uh... and I said: "Well, how is that possible! I've only got a little tuna fish, and uh some skimmed milk, and uh mustard and a loaf of bread..." He goes: "Well, well you're also paying for the groceries for your mother. She uh, told me you'd take care of the bill for her." And I said: "Well, wait a minute! That's not my mother!" And he says: "Well I distinctly heard her say as she left the store "Bye son!" and you said "Bye mom!" and so what are you trying to say here, uh..." I said: "Well, JESUS!" And I looked out into the parking lot and she was just getting into her car. And I ran out there. And she was just closing the door, and she had a little bit of her leg sticking out of the door and she was pulling away and I grabbed her leg and I started PULLING it! Just the way... I'm pulling yours...